A diverse group of people looking concerned, with symbols of women's rights, voting rights, and LGBTQ+ rights overshadowed by dark clouds

The Hidden Dangers of Donald Trump's Project 2025


Project 2025 is an ambitious plan laid out by Donald Trump's Republican party. That party is led entirely now by convicted felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter Donald Trump. Make no mistake about it - convicted felon Donald Trump is the head of the Republican Party and his Project 2025 is the closest thing that party has for a platform.

Donald Trump and his Project 2025 pose significant threats to various aspects of our society. This project has been criticized for its potential to undermine women's rights, voting rights, and LGBTQ+ rights, and for promoting an agenda aligned with white nationalist leaders. Here's an overview leading into an in-depth look at the potential dangers of Project 2025.

Women's Rights at Risk

One of the most alarming aspects of Project 2025 is its potential impact on women's rights:

Threats to Voting Rights

Project 2025 also poses serious threats to voting rights in general:

LGBTQ+ Rights Under Attack

The LGBTQ+ community stands to lose many hard-won rights under Project 2025:

Alignment with White Nationalist Leaders

A concerning aspect of Project 2025 is its alignment with white nationalist ideologies:

If you are up to a long, hard read, the entire actual Project 2025 in PDF format can be downloaded here by clicking on the DOWNLOAD PROJECT 2025 below. Read this for yourself and see the nightmare that will happen if Donald Trump is elected.

Project 2025 represents a dangerous shift towards policies that could significantly harm women's rights, voting rights, and LGBTQ+ rights, while promoting an agenda aligned with white nationalist leaders. It is crucial for everyone to understand these risks and stand against such regressive changes.

If you think what has been listed here on this page is bad, you need to read the entire document. This page only scratches the surface.

More Ugly Details of the Dangers of Donald Trump's Project 2025

Reproductive Rights

LGBTQ+ Rights

Voting Rights



Climate Policy

More Information

Project 2025 represents a significant shift towards an ultra-conservative agenda that threatens to roll back many social, economic, and environmental protections. Understanding these proposals and their potential impacts is crucial for informed public discourse and opposition.

For more detailed information, refer to sources like Media Matters for America, Democracy Docket, and HadIt.com, which provide additional comprehensive insights into the implications of Project 2025.

Project 2025: Selected Chapters and Topics Overview

Reproductive Rights

LGBTQ+ Rights

Voting Rights



Climate Policy

Additional Sources

The Simple Solution to both Trump and Project 2025

There is a very simple solution to this Project 2025 madness:

Independent voter at voting booth to cast his ballot.

Do a DEMOCRATIC vote all the way down - from top to bottom - elect from Presidential candidate Kamala Harris all the way through every federal, state and local DEMOCRATIC candidate you can vote for. It's important to give Kamala the senate and the house as well!

Make sure you are registered to vote. Check out https://www.usa.gov/who-can-vote for more information if needed. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Vote as early as you can. Go there in person if at all possible. If you absolutely must vote by mail, be sure to do so according to whatever the rules are in your state or township. Check out https://www.usa.gov/absentee-voting for more information. The Republicans will be trying to keep votes against them from counting every way they possibly can.

And finally, click on the picture below to go to https://KamalaHarris.com and support Kamala Harris. Let's make history together!

Kamala Harris is America's best hope for getting rid of Donald Trump once and for all and getting women's rights restored as well as saving us all from Project 2025.



Stop Project 2025
